
194 search results of „libya“

  • [Project] Armed Groups in the Sahel

    • Regional approaches to dealing with armed groups in the Sahel In the Greater Sahel border regions are frequently hot spots in long running conflicts which are used by non-state armed groups for their benefit, but they are also spaces where people and communities socially, culturally, and economically connect and build important interrelations on different scales. We believe that these border complexes have unique historic and socio-economic features which need to be considered more strongly when...
  • [Project] Armed Groups in the Sahel

    • Regional approaches to dealing with armed groups in the Sahel In the Greater Sahel border regions are frequently hot spots in long running conflicts which are used by non-state armed groups for their benefit, but they are also spaces where people and communities socially, culturally, and economically connect and build important interrelations on different scales. We believe that these border complexes have unique historic and socio-economic features which need to be considered more strongly when...
  • [Project] Armed Groups in the Sahel

    • Regional approaches to dealing with armed groups in the Sahel In the Greater Sahel border regions are frequently hot spots in long running conflicts which are used by non-state armed groups for their benefit, but they are also spaces where people and communities socially, culturally, and economically connect and build important interrelations on different scales. We believe that these border complexes have unique historic and socio-economic features which need to be considered more strongly when...
  • [Project] Armed Groups in the Sahel

    • Regional approaches to dealing with armed groups in the Sahel In the Greater Sahel border regions are frequently hot spots in long running conflicts which are used by non-state armed groups for their benefit, but they are also spaces where people and communities socially, culturally, and economically connect and build important interrelations on different scales. We believe that these border complexes have unique historic and socio-economic features which need to be considered more strongly when...
  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_02.pdf   (7.16 MB)

    brief 47 MANPADS A Terrorist Threat to Civilian Aviation Contents List of acronyms 4 Executive summary 6 Acknowledgments 7 Introduction 8 1 MANPADS attacks on civilian aircraft 10 Princess Mawuena Amuzu Introduction MANPADS and the vulnerability of civilian aircraft 11 11 History 11 Discussion 19 Weapon and perpetrators 19 NSAGs and MANPADS 19 Aircraft vulnerability and outcome 20 Phase of flight 22 Attack location and civilian targets 22 Effects of civilian attacks by M...
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  • [PDF Document] BlogLibyenWisotzkiMutschler_Layout.pdf   (528.78 KB)

    15 Juni 2020 Weitere Informationen SUSANNE HEINKE Head of Public Relations Leiterin Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit 49 0228 911 9644 prbiccde Kommentar Brennglas einer problematischen Rüstungsexportpolitik Der Bürgerkrieg in Libyen Die deutsche Bundesregierung betont stets ihre restriktive Rüstungsexportpolitik Doch gerade die Staaten im Nahen und Mittleren Osten MENARegion zählen mit zu den größten Kunden deutscher Rüstungsproduzenten In ihrem Kommentar kritisieren Simone Wisotzki HSFK und...
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  • [PDF Document] wp_1_2016.pdf   (373.64 KB)

    WORKING PAPER 1 2016 Lessons from Small Arms and Weapons Control Initiatives in Africa Dr Nelson Alusala ISS WORKING PAPER 1 2016 LESSONS FROM SALW CONTROL INITIATIVES IN AFRICA NELSON ALUSAL A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proliferation and trafficking of small arms and light weapons SALW in Africa is partly attributable to weak national controls the porosity of state borders and ongoing armed conflict on the continent To address these problems a number of initiatives have been undertaken by...
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  • [PDF Document] wp_2_2016_0403.pdf   (1.22 MB)

    WORKING PAPER 2 2016 Matching Needs and Resources Small Arms Control Initiatives in the Greater Sahel 20152016 Joanne Richards BICC MATCHING NEEDS AND RESOURCES JOANNE RICHARDS SUMMARY The Greater Sahel region has never experienced such a highlevel of arms availability Given the large array of efforts now in place across the region to stem the proliferation of small arms and light weapons SALW it is pertinent to take stock assess who is doing what and reflect on opportunities to reduce p...
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  • [Project] SARCOM: Sub-regional small arms control mechanism - Sudan, Chad etc.

    • Since November 2012, BICC is supporting efforts to control the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Sudan and its Western and Southern neighbours CAR, Chad, DRC, Libya and South Sudan, which signed a treating forming the Sub-regional Arms Control Mechanism (SARCOM). The project works at different levels: at the local level in West Darfur, BICC supports community-based efforts at SALW control and armed violence reduction through local committees of traditional leaders. At...
  • [Project] SARCOM: Sub-regional small arms control mechanism - Sudan, Chad etc.

    • Since November 2012, BICC is supporting efforts to control the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Sudan and its Western and Southern neighbours CAR, Chad, DRC, Libya and South Sudan, which signed a treating forming the Sub-regional Arms Control Mechanism (SARCOM). The project works at different levels: at the local level in West Darfur, BICC supports community-based efforts at SALW control and armed violence reduction through local committees of traditional leaders. At...