
1000 search results of „mali“

  • [PDF Document] BICC-FooCo-CLS-V1_1.pdf   (4.33 MB)

    Study report BoundaryMaking in a Contested Space Food Security and Conflict Dynamics in Marsabit Kenya May 2023 Benjamin Etzold Marie MüllerKoné bicc Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies gGmbH PfarrerBynsStraße 1 53121 Bonn Germany 49 0228 911960 Fax 22 biccbiccde wwwbiccde Director Geschäftsführer Professor Dr Conrad Schetter Chair of the Supervisory Board Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats Thorsten Menne Register of Companies Handelsregister Bonn HRB 6717 Executive Summary This ...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_Knowledge_Note_3_2018__Controlling_Small_Arms.pdf   (1.75 MB)

    KNOWLEDGE NOTES 32018 Controlling Small Arms Practical lessons in civilian disarmament and antitrafficking Sami Faltas CONTROLLING SMALL ARMS PRACTICAL LESSONS IN CIVILIAN DISARMAMENT AND ANTITRAFFICKING SAMI FALTAS SUMMARY This Knowledge Note is an outcome of a practitioners workshop held at the German Federal Foreign Office in Berlin on 2627 February 2018 Among its 29 participants were 19 practitioners from West and southern Africa United Nations organizations European Union institution...
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  • [PDF Document] Civil_Society_Action_on_SALW_Control_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.89 MB)

    Civil Society Action on SALW Control module CSA 05B02 Civil Society Action on SALW Control written by William Godnick International Alert and the TRESA team module CSA 05B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ Authors William Godnick International Alert and the TRESA team M Ashkenazi C ...
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  • [PDF Document] bmu_en.pdf   (132.24 KB)

    Study on the Reuse of Former Military Lands Conducted on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear Energy PO Box 12 06 29 D53048 Bonn Germany Contractors IABG Industrieanlagenbetreibergesellschaft mbH Einsteinstraße 20 D85521 Ottobrunn Germany BICC Bonn International Center for Conversion GmbH An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany As of November 1997 Study on the reuse of former military lands 1 Study on the Reuse of Former Military Lands...
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  • [PDF Document] zusammenfassung.pdf   (161.31 KB)

    Conversion Survey 2003 Global Disarmament Demilitarization and Demoblilization Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft BadenBaden 2003 180 S ISBN 3832901353 Deutsche Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit des Internationalen Konversionszentrums Bonn BICC ist der Untersuchung und Förderung von Abrüstung und Konversion in einem weit gefassten Sinne gewidmet Jährlich analysiert das BICC bedeutende Ereignisse Themen und neue Erkenntnisse auf englischer Sprache in seinem Jahrbuch dem Conversion Survey das im NomosVerlag ersch...
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  • [PDF Document] zusammenfassung.pdf   (161.31 KB)

    Conversion Survey 2003 Global Disarmament Demilitarization and Demoblilization Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft BadenBaden 2003 180 S ISBN 3832901353 Deutsche Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit des Internationalen Konversionszentrums Bonn BICC ist der Untersuchung und Förderung von Abrüstung und Konversion in einem weit gefassten Sinne gewidmet Jährlich analysiert das BICC bedeutende Ereignisse Themen und neue Erkenntnisse auf englischer Sprache in seinem Jahrbuch dem Conversion Survey das im NomosVerlag ersch...
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  • [PDF Document] brief3.pdf   (297.75 KB)

    brief 3 Coping with Surplus Weapons AP riority for Priority Conversion Research and Policy June 95 Brief 3 Contents About the A uthors Authors Zusammenfassung German Summary 4 Foreword 5 Maria Bowers is a research associate at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI 6 Edward J Laurance is Professor of International Policy Studies and Associate Director of the Program for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies MIIS in California ...
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  • [PDF Document] bicc_annual_report_2009_2010.pdf   (1.75 MB)

    Annual Report 20092010 Jahresbericht 20092010 Project leader Susanne Heinke Authors Marc von Boemcken Peter J Croll Michael Dedek Peter Gottwald Jan Grebe Lena Guesnet Susanne Heinke Elvan Isikozlu WolfChristian Paes Clara SchmitzPranghe Andrea Warnecke Lars Wirkus Editor Susanne Heinke Translations Lynn Benstead English Heike Webb GermanEnglish Layout Katharina Moraht Editorial deadline 28 May 2010 Contributions to the Annual Report 20092010 Director Peter J Croll Editor Susanne ...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Working_Paper_9_2019.pdf   (2.68 MB)

    WORKING PAPER 9 2019 Conceptualising crisis refugees and IDPs Insights from northern Iraq on vulnerabilities and needs caused by displacement Markus Rudolf BICC WORKING PAPER 9 2019 CONCEPTUALISING CRISIS REFUGEES AND IDPs M RUDOLF SUMMARY This Working Paper assesses how humanitarian and development aid agencies address individuals whose human rights and human dignity have been affected by displacement It proposes a fresh look at how to measure needs that arise in such situations To t...
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  • [PDF Document] Bulletin63.pdf   (1.63 MB)

    No 63 bulletin Combat drones are not planes F or the majority of international law experts the deployment of combat drones in armed conflicts falls within the limits of legality However most of them consider targeted killing by the United States in its war on terrorin Pakistan Yemen and Somaliato be in violation of international law Targeted killings in countries against which no war has been declared contravenes the UN Charter and undermines the rule of international law The lines dividing w...
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