
148 search results of „morocco“

  • [Staff] Rebecca Navarro

    • Web Programming & Databases / Researcher
    • Publication: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Olive Orchard Intensification in the Saïss Plain (Morocco) Using k-Means and High-Resolution Satellite Data, Olive orchard intensification has transformed an originally drought-resilient tree crop into a competing water user in semi-arid regions. In our study, we used remote sensing to evaluate whether intensive olive plantations have increased between 2010 and 2020, contributing to the current risk of aquifer depletion in the Saïss plain in Moroc...
    • Rebecca holds a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Applied Geography from RWTH Aachen University and a master’s degree (MSc) in Environmental Protection and Landscape Ecology from the University of Bonn. She joined BICC in September 2020 to support the I-WALAMAR project on sustainable transformation processes in rural Morocco. Prior to this, she worked in the field of sustainable energy innovations in agriculture and food production for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammena...
  • [Staff] Rebecca Navarro

    • Web Programming & Databases / Researcher
    • Publication: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Olive Orchard Intensification in the Saïss Plain (Morocco) Using k-Means and High-Resolution Satellite Data, Olive orchard intensification has transformed an originally drought-resilient tree crop into a competing water user in semi-arid regions. In our study, we used remote sensing to evaluate whether intensive olive plantations have increased between 2010 and 2020, contributing to the current risk of aquifer depletion in the Saïss plain in Moroc...
    • Rebecca holds a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Applied Geography from RWTH Aachen University and a master’s degree (MSc) in Environmental Protection and Landscape Ecology from the University of Bonn. She joined BICC in September 2020 to support the I-WALAMAR project on sustainable transformation processes in rural Morocco. Prior to this, she worked in the field of sustainable energy innovations in agriculture and food production for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammena...
  • [Staff] Rebecca Navarro

    • Web Programming & Databases / Researcher
    • Publication: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Olive Orchard Intensification in the Saïss Plain (Morocco) Using k-Means and High-Resolution Satellite Data, Olive orchard intensification has transformed an originally drought-resilient tree crop into a competing water user in semi-arid regions. In our study, we used remote sensing to evaluate whether intensive olive plantations have increased between 2010 and 2020, contributing to the current risk of aquifer depletion in the Saïss plain in Moroc...
    • Rebecca holds a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Applied Geography from RWTH Aachen University and a master’s degree (MSc) in Environmental Protection and Landscape Ecology from the University of Bonn. She joined BICC in September 2020 to support the I-WALAMAR project on sustainable transformation processes in rural Morocco. Prior to this, she worked in the field of sustainable energy innovations in agriculture and food production for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammena...
  • [Staff] Rebecca Navarro

    • Web Programming & Databases / Researcher
    • Publication: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Olive Orchard Intensification in the Saïss Plain (Morocco) Using k-Means and High-Resolution Satellite Data, Olive orchard intensification has transformed an originally drought-resilient tree crop into a competing water user in semi-arid regions. In our study, we used remote sensing to evaluate whether intensive olive plantations have increased between 2010 and 2020, contributing to the current risk of aquifer depletion in the Saïss plain in Moroc...
    • Rebecca holds a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Applied Geography from RWTH Aachen University and a master’s degree (MSc) in Environmental Protection and Landscape Ecology from the University of Bonn. She joined BICC in September 2020 to support the I-WALAMAR project on sustainable transformation processes in rural Morocco. Prior to this, she worked in the field of sustainable energy innovations in agriculture and food production for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammena...
  • [Staff] Rebecca Navarro

    • Web Programming & Databases / Researcher
    • Publication: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Olive Orchard Intensification in the Saïss Plain (Morocco) Using k-Means and High-Resolution Satellite Data, Olive orchard intensification has transformed an originally drought-resilient tree crop into a competing water user in semi-arid regions. In our study, we used remote sensing to evaluate whether intensive olive plantations have increased between 2010 and 2020, contributing to the current risk of aquifer depletion in the Saïss plain in Moroc...
    • Rebecca holds a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Applied Geography from RWTH Aachen University and a master’s degree (MSc) in Environmental Protection and Landscape Ecology from the University of Bonn. She joined BICC in September 2020 to support the I-WALAMAR project on sustainable transformation processes in rural Morocco. Prior to this, she worked in the field of sustainable energy innovations in agriculture and food production for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammena...
  • [Staff] Rebecca Navarro

    • Web Programming & Databases / Researcher
    • Publication: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Olive Orchard Intensification in the Saïss Plain (Morocco) Using k-Means and High-Resolution Satellite Data, Olive orchard intensification has transformed an originally drought-resilient tree crop into a competing water user in semi-arid regions. In our study, we used remote sensing to evaluate whether intensive olive plantations have increased between 2010 and 2020, contributing to the current risk of aquifer depletion in the Saïss plain in Moroc...
    • Rebecca holds a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Applied Geography from RWTH Aachen University and a master’s degree (MSc) in Environmental Protection and Landscape Ecology from the University of Bonn. She joined bicc in September 2020 to support the I-WALAMAR project on sustainable transformation processes in rural Morocco. Prior to this, she worked in the field of sustainable energy innovations in agriculture and food production for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammena...
  • [Publication] Electricity planning for sustainable development in the MENA region (Mena Select Working Paper).

    • As electricity systems are not developed in isolation from society, but in a continuous interaction with social, economic, environmental, and political dimensions, this publication aims to develop a comprehensive database for the purpose of evaluating the complex trade-offs between different electricity generation technologies and sustainable development at the national and local level in Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia.By shedding light on the intersection between electricity generatio...
  • [Publication] Electricity planning for sustainable development in the MENA region (Mena Select Working Paper).

    • As electricity systems are not developed in isolation from society, but in a continuous interaction with social, economic, environmental, and political dimensions, this publication aims to develop a comprehensive database for the purpose of evaluating the complex trade-offs between different electricity generation technologies and sustainable development at the national and local level in Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia.By shedding light on the intersection between electricity generatio...
  • [Publication] Annual Report 2021

    • As of 15 September 2021, BICC's new name is Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies. Against this background, the Annual Report 2021 depicts the advances of the peace and conflict research institute and its growing expertise in research and policy advice.  This Annual Report 2021 focuses on how disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration can transform violent conflicts. BICC, however, not only looks into this in violent settings in countries of the global South but also closer to h...
  • [Publication] Annual Report 2021

    • As of 15 September 2021, BICC's new name is Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies. Against this background, the Annual Report 2021 depicts the advances of the peace and conflict research institute and its growing expertise in research and policy advice.  This Annual Report 2021 focuses on how disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration can transform violent conflicts. BICC, however, not only looks into this in violent settings in countries of the global South but also closer to h...