
137 search results of „senegal“

  • [Publication] "Ici, personne n'est d'ici" (Nobody here is from here) - Diaspora in Senegal.

    Mande Studies
    • "Ici, personne n'est d'ici" (Nobody here is from here) - Diaspora in Senegal.
  • [Publication] "Ici, personne n'est d'ici" (Nobody here is from here) - Diaspora in Senegal.

    Mande Studies
    • "Ici, personne n'est d'ici" (Nobody here is from here) - Diaspora in Senegal.
  • [Project] Trajectories of reintegration. The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change

    •   Over the course of four years (2019–2023), the qualitative and multi-sited research project “Trajectories of reintegration. The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change” conducted a long-term investigation of the reintegration trajectories of returning migrants and (internally) displaced persons.The study investigated the living conditions of returnees and asked for their perceptions, experiences and strategies against the background of the socio-political context in...
  • [Publication] Integrating conflict - Assessing a thirty years war: Conflict and conflict management in the Lower Casamance, Senegal (Doctor...

    • Integrating conflict - Assessing a thirty years war: Conflict and conflict management in the Lower Casamance, Senegal (Doctoral dissertation).
  • [Publication] Integrating conflict - Assessing a thirty years war: Conflict and conflict management in the Lower Casamance, Senegal (Doctor...

    • Integrating conflict - Assessing a thirty years war: Conflict and conflict management in the Lower Casamance, Senegal (Doctoral dissertation).
  • [Project] Trajectories of reintegration. The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change

    •   Over the course of four years (2019–2023), the qualitative and multi-sited research project “Trajectories of reintegration. The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change” conducted a long-term investigation of the reintegration trajectories of returning migrants and (internally) displaced persons.The study investigated the living conditions of returnees and asked for their perceptions, experiences and strategies against the background of the socio-political context in...
  • [Project] Trajectories of reintegration. The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change

    •   Over the course of four years (2019–2023), the qualitative and multi-sited research project “Trajectories of reintegration. The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change” conducted a long-term investigation of the reintegration trajectories of returning migrants and (internally) displaced persons.The study investigated the living conditions of returnees and asked for their perceptions, experiences and strategies against the background of the socio-political context in...
  • [Project] Trajectories of reintegration. The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change

    •   Over the course of four years (2019–2023), the qualitative and multi-sited research project “Trajectories of reintegration. The impacts of displacement, migration and return on social change” conducted a long-term investigation of the reintegration trajectories of returning migrants and (internally) displaced persons.The study investigated the living conditions of returnees and asked for their perceptions, experiences and strategies against the background of the socio-political context in...
  • [Publication] Talking at Cross-Purposes? On Ambigous Relationships between International Policies on Return and Reintegration and their loc...

    • Talking at Cross-Purposes? On Ambigous Relationships between International Policies on Return and Reintegration and their local Conceptualisations in Ghana, the Gambia and Senegal
    • This Working Paper explores and compares return to and reintegration in Ghana, the Gambia and Senegal while setting different positionalities of migrants against migration and return regimes and broader socio-economic inequalities. The Paper first highlights the trajectories and motivations of migrants and returnees, including a group-centred perspective on the continuous relevance of relations with the communities of origin. Then, it relates migrant journeys to diverging national ...
  • [Page]

    • PublicationsahinMencütek Z Mielke K SchmitzPranghe C & Vollmer R 2023 When Returning Home Feels Like Hell IPS Journal Mielke K ahinMencütek Z SchmitzPranghe C & Vollmer R 2023 Zurück zu Hause oder zurück in der Hölle FriedrichEbertStiftungFakhoury T & ahinMencütek Z 2023 The Geopolitics of Return Migration in the International SystemSpecial Issue of Geopolitics 120ahinMencütek Z 2023 The Role of Return Preparedness Assistance and Networks in Returnees Reintegration in Origin Countries Synthesis...