
337 search results of „sierra leone“

  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_46_f.pdf   (3.8 MB)

    brief 46 À la recherche de lor propre lexploitation artisanale de lor au Pérou et en RD Congo BICC brief 46DEU1U4FRwsindd 3 300812 1626 Table des matières Tableau des abréviations 4 Sommaire 5 Introduction 6 Remerciements 7 1 Lexploitation artisanale de lor marché mondial perspectives quant aux problèmes et approches de gouvernance 9 Friedel HützAdams Christine Andrä Marie Müller 11 Le marché mondial de lor 12 Les mineurs artisanaux une définition difficile et des problèmes comp...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_46_esp.pdf   (4.94 MB)

    brief 46 En la búsqueda del oro limpio Minería artesanal del oro en el Perú y la RD del Congo Índice Lista de abreviaturas 4 Resumen 5 Introducción 6 Agradecimientos 7 1 La minería artesanal del oro El mercado mundial perspectivas de los problemas y los enfoques gubernamentales 9 Friedel HützAdams Christine Andrä Marie Müller 11 El mercado mundial del oro 10 12 Mineros artesanales Definición difícil y problemas globales 13 13 Regulación y certificación en el sector aurífero 17 1...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_46_d.pdf   (3.64 MB)

    brief 46 Auf der Suche nach dem sauberen Gold Kleinbergbau von Gold in Peru und DR Kongo BICC brief 46DEU1U4DEwsindd 3 180912 1451 Inhalt Abkürzungsverzeichnis 4 Zusammenfassung 5 Einleitung 6 Danksagung 7 1 Kleinbergbau von Gold Weltmarkt Perspektiven auf Probleme und GovernanceAnsätze 9 Friedel HützAdams Christine Andrä Marie Müller 11 Der Weltmarkt für Gold 12 Kleinschürfer Schwierige Definition und umfassende Probleme 10 13 13 Regulierung und Zertifizierung im Goldsektor 17 ...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_46_f.pdf   (3.8 MB)

    brief 46 À la recherche de lor propre lexploitation artisanale de lor au Pérou et en RD Congo BICC brief 46DEU1U4FRwsindd 3 300812 1626 Table des matières Tableau des abréviations 4 Sommaire 5 Introduction 6 Remerciements 7 1 Lexploitation artisanale de lor marché mondial perspectives quant aux problèmes et approches de gouvernance 9 Friedel HützAdams Christine Andrä Marie Müller 11 Le marché mondial de lor 12 Les mineurs artisanaux une définition difficile et des problèmes comp...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_46_esp.pdf   (4.94 MB)

    brief 46 En la búsqueda del oro limpio Minería artesanal del oro en el Perú y la RD del Congo Índice Lista de abreviaturas 4 Resumen 5 Introducción 6 Agradecimientos 7 1 La minería artesanal del oro El mercado mundial perspectivas de los problemas y los enfoques gubernamentales 9 Friedel HützAdams Christine Andrä Marie Müller 11 El mercado mundial del oro 10 12 Mineros artesanales Definición difícil y problemas globales 13 13 Regulación y certificación en el sector aurífero 17 1...
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  • [PDF Document] small_arms_report.pdf   (892.02 KB)

    REPORT Small arms and security A joint publication by Bonn International Center for Conversion British American Security Information Council Saferworld and Small Arms Survey Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok January 2004 Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok A...
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  • [PDF Document] small_arms_report.pdf   (892.02 KB)

    REPORT Small arms and security A joint publication by Bonn International Center for Conversion British American Security Information Council Saferworld and Small Arms Survey Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok January 2004 Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok A...
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  • [PDF Document] MAT-07A01.pdf   (4.43 MB)

    Marking and Tracing Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW module MAT 07A01 Marking and Tracing Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Compiled by MAshkenazi CBeeck EIsikozlu BICC module MAT 07A01 This TRESA module was produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the German Federal Foreign Office AA Compiled by Michael Ashkenazi Christine Beeck Elvan Isikozlu Executive Editor Christine Beeck Concept TRESA BICC Layout Svenja Bends Copyright BICC 2007...
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  • [PDF Document] Marking_and_Tracing_TRAINER.pdf   (4.43 MB)

    Marking and Tracing Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW module MAT 07A01 Marking and Tracing Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW Compiled by MAshkenazi CBeeck EIsikozlu BICC module MAT 07A01 This TRESA module was produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the German Federal Foreign Office AA Compiled by Michael Ashkenazi Christine Beeck Elvan Isikozlu Executive Editor Christine Beeck Concept TRESA BICC Layout Svenja Bends Copyright BICC 2007...
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  • [PDF Document] brief45.pdf   (5.94 MB)

    brief 45 Commercial Security and Development Findings from TimorLeste Liberia and Peru Contents 4 Liberia Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Abstract 5 Acknowledgments 5 41 Context 36 Introduction Marc von Boemcken 6 42 Markets 37 43 Impacts 43 Revisiting the securitydevelopment nexus 7 Marc von Boemcken 1 Commercial Security Markets 5 Peru 49 Marc von Boemcken and Clara SchmitzPranghe 9 Marc von Boemcken 11 Providers 10 12 Customers 11 13 Regulation 12 2 Impacts of Commer...
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