338 search results of „somalia“
[PDF Document] Friedensgutachten 2024.pdf (4.45 MB)
2023 Welt ohne Kompass friedensg utachten BICC IFSH INEF PRIF Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden Universität DuisburgEssen LeibnizInstitut für Friedens und Konfliktforschung 2024 Welt ohne Kompass friedensg utachten BICC IFSH INEF PRIF Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hambu... -
[PDF Document] Friedensgutachten 2024.pdf (4.45 MB)
2023 Welt ohne Kompass friedensg utachten BICC IFSH INEF PRIF Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden Universität DuisburgEssen LeibnizInstitut für Friedens und Konfliktforschung 2024 Welt ohne Kompass friedensg utachten BICC IFSH INEF PRIF Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hambu... -
[PDF Document] brief3.pdf (297.75 KB)
brief 3 Coping with Surplus Weapons AP riority for Priority Conversion Research and Policy June 95 Brief 3 Contents About the A uthors Authors Zusammenfassung German Summary 4 Foreword 5 Maria Bowers is a research associate at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI 6 Edward J Laurance is Professor of International Policy Studies and Associate Director of the Program for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies MIIS in California ... -
[PDF Document] REB_2011.pdf (773.78 KB)
Gemeinsame Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung Rüstungsexportbericht 2011 der GKKE Vorgelegt von der GKKEFachgruppe Rüstungsexporte Vorabdruck für die Bundespressekonferenz am 12122011 in Berlin Redaktionsschluss 09122011 GKKE Evangelische Geschäftsstelle GKKE Katholische Geschäftsstelle Charlottenstraße 5354 10177 Berlin Tel 030 20355306 FAX 250 Kaiserstr 161 53113 Bonn Tel 0228 103217 FAX 318 Email edithsokolowskyGKKEorg Internet wwwGKKEorg EMail JustititaetPaxdbkde Inte... -
[PDF Document] BICC_Annual_Report_2015_web.pdf (3.33 MB)
ANNUAL REPORT JAHRESBERICHT 2015 ENGMan in uniform and a civilian arm in arm on the hill Bibi Mahru in Wazir Akbar Khan a neighbourhood in northern Kabul This is a popular meeting point for Kabuls young men who spend their free time thereto test their strength to walk their dogs and to listen to the music on the car radio The never opened swimming pool of Olympic standards with diving platforms from the Soviet era on the hill has been used by the Taliban as a venue for executions Burhanuddin ... -
[PDF Document] BICC_Annual_Report_2015_web_01.pdf (3.33 MB)
ANNUAL REPORT JAHRESBERICHT 2015 ENGMan in uniform and a civilian arm in arm on the hill Bibi Mahru in Wazir Akbar Khan a neighbourhood in northern Kabul This is a popular meeting point for Kabuls young men who spend their free time thereto test their strength to walk their dogs and to listen to the music on the car radio The never opened swimming pool of Olympic standards with diving platforms from the Soviet era on the hill has been used by the Taliban as a venue for executions Burhanuddin ... -
[PDF Document] working_paper_0315.pdf (1.85 MB)
WORKING PAPER 3 2015 Protected Rather Than Protracted Strengthening Displaced Persons in Peace Processes A Stateoftheart Paper Heidrun Bohnet BICC Katja Mielke BICC Markus Rudolf BICC Conrad Schetter BICC Ruth Vollmer BICC WORKING PAPER 3 2015 PROTECTED RATHER THAN PROTRACTED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Paper reviews the current state of the art on the return of displaced persons as a durable solution for longterm displacement situations It outlines the impact challenges and actors inv... -
[PDF Document] bicc_AR_2016.pdf (3.97 MB)
ENGGirl in Kabarto near Dohuk northern Iraq The camps Kabarto I II house approx 30000 displaced persons Most of them come from the nearby Shingal Mountains In 2014 socalled Islamic State targeted the local Yezidi minority massacring the men and systematically enslaving women and girls Some were freed against a US 5000 ransom paid by their relatives Others managed to escape The majority however is still held captive DEUMädchen in Kabarto nahe Dohuk Nordirak In den Camps Kabarto III befinden si... -
[PDF Document] bicc_AR_2016_01.pdf (3.97 MB)
ENGGirl in Kabarto near Dohuk northern Iraq The camps Kabarto I II house approx 30000 displaced persons Most of them come from the nearby Shingal Mountains In 2014 socalled Islamic State targeted the local Yezidi minority massacring the men and systematically enslaving women and girls Some were freed against a US 5000 ransom paid by their relatives Others managed to escape The majority however is still held captive DEUMädchen in Kabarto nahe Dohuk Nordirak In den Camps Kabarto III befinden si... -
[PDF Document] BICC_AR_2018.pdf (3.3 MB)
ENGSlowly life returns to the old part of Mossul In March 2018 it is mostly quiet but the inhabitants are beginning to rebuild their houses and shops from the ruins The city that used to have over one million inhabitants was captured by socalled Islamic State in 2014 After three years of IS rule the city is again under Iraqi control since July 2017 According to NGOs at least 11000 civilians were killed during the fighting one million fled their homes since the beginning of the fighting Some hav...
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