
309 search results of „somalia“

  • [PDF Document] brief6.pdf   (279.93 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN brief 6 Cost of Disarmament An Overview of the Economic Costs of the Dismantlement of Weapons and the Disposal of Military Surplus march 96 brief 6 Contents Zusammenfassung German Summary 4 Introduction 5 Nuclear Weapons 6 Disabling Weapons Delivery Systems 6 Disposal of missile propellants 7 Decommissioning of nuclear submarines 7 Dismantling nuclear warheads 8 Converting highly enriched Uran...
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  • [PDF Document] occasional_paper_IV_11_09.pdf   (303.58 KB)

    Occasional Paper IV The Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan Role model for civilmilitary relations Peter Runge Senior Program Officer for Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid Association of German Development NGOs VENRO October 2009 The responsibility for contents and views expressed in this Occasional Paper lies entirely with the author INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION BICC GMBH Geschäftsführer Peter J Croll Aufsichtsratsvorsitzen...
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  • [PDF Document] Civil_Society_Action_on_SALW_Control_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.89 MB)

    Civil Society Action on SALW Control module CSA 05B02 Civil Society Action on SALW Control written by William Godnick International Alert and the TRESA team module CSA 05B02 TRESA modules are produced by the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC under a special grant from the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ Authors William Godnick International Alert and the TRESA team M Ashkenazi C ...
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  • [PDF Document] Youth_and_SALW_TRAINEE.pdf   (1.35 MB)

    Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW UNICEF module YSA 06B02 My dear young people I see the light in your eyes the energy of your bodies and the hope that is in your spirit I know it is you not I who will make the future It is you not I who will fix our wrongs and carry forward all that is right in the world Nelson Mandela former President of South Africa Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW written by Irma Specht Transition International and the TRESA team module YSA 06B02...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_Brief_49.pdf   (7.67 MB)

    brief 49 Smart Technology in SALW Control Civilian Protection the UNPoA and Transfer Control SmartCon Contents Introduction 4 Acknowledgments 7 4 Political and legislative dimensions of smart weapon technology Opportunities concerns and the need for parliamentary action Christer Winbäck 53 Incorporating SWT into international frameworks and standards Patrick Mc Carthy 58 Afterwords Michael Ashkenazi and Wolfgang Bindseil 64 Acronyms and abbreviations 66 Technical and economic aspe...
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  • [PDF Document] paper20.pdf   (331.19 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN paper 20 Gendering Demilitarization as a Peacebuilding Tool June 2002 BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN Gendering Demilitarization as a Peacebuilding Tool By Vanessa Farr Published by BICC Bonn 2002 Vanessa Farr Contents Acknowledgements 3 Acronyms 3 1 The Social Impacts of GenderAware Demilitarization 4 11 Introduction 4 2 Gender Ideologies in Times ...
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  • [PDF Document] paper38_english.pdf   (793.3 KB)

    paper 38 Incorporation of Defense Expenditures into Public Expenditure Work Incorporation of Defense Expenditures into Public Expenditure Work Short Assessment of the Situation in Ethiopia Burundi Kenya Tanzania and Uganda Authors Michael Brzoska responsible Marc von Boemcken WolfChristian Paes Willem Jaspers assistant Commissioned by KFWEntwicklungsbank Published by BICC Bonn 2004 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisabethkirche 25 D53113 Bonn Germany P...
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  • [PDF Document] paper38.pdf   (350.71 KB)

    paper 38 Einbeziehung von Verteidigungshaushalten in Public Expenditure Management Kurzgutachten Kurzgutachten Einbeziehung von Verteidigungshaushalten in Public Expenditure Management Einschätzung der Situation in Äthiopien Burundi Kenia Tansania und Uganda von Michael Brzoska verantwortlich Marc von Boemcken WolfChristian Paes Willem Jaspers Assistenz Im Auftrag der KfWEntwicklungsbank Published by BICC Bonn 2004 Bonn International Center for Conversion Director Peter J Croll An der Elisab...
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  • [PDF Document] report13.pdf   (1.04 MB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN report 13 Destroying Small Arms and Light Weapons Survey of Methods and Practical Guide april 99 report 13 Zusammenfassung Summary in German 4 Introduction Aim and methodology 6 1 Intrastate Conflict Two Case Studies SaharaSahel Central America Today the destabilizing accumulation of small arms and their violent use in many countries around the world are high on the international agenda One approach to th...
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  • [PDF Document] occasional_paper_II_04-09.pdf   (446.75 KB)

    Sierra Leone Mit Sicherheit eine gute Wahl Eine Zwischenbilanz der demokratischen Friedenskonsolidierung Occasional Paper April 2009 Occasional Paper II Sierra Leone Mit Sicherheit eine gute Wahl Eine Zwischenbilanz der demokratischen Friedenskonsolidierung Helen Radecke BICC April 2009 Contents Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5 1 Einleitung 6 2 Democratic Peacebuilding Entstehung und Entwicklung 8 21 Nach dem Jubiläum der Agenda für den Frieden Bilanzen der PeacebuildingDekade 8 22 Internatio...
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