
1000 search results of „sudan“

  • [PDF Document] Spotlight_on_HDP_Sudan-online.pdf   (5.41 MB)

    report Birgit Kemmerling Spotlight on Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Implementation in South Sudan Localisation from a Decolonial Perspective The emergence of the HDP in South Sudan as a topdown statecentred approach Progress on localisation but still power imbalances between international and local NGOs 19 A need for more local led initiatives HDP IMPLEMENTATION IN SOUTH SUDAN LOCALISATION FROM A DECOLONIAL PERSPECTIVE BIRGIT KEMMERLING CONTENTS Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Di...
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  • [PDF Document] Spotlight_on_HDP_in_South Sudan.pdf   (2.21 MB)

    report Birgit Kemmerling Spotlight on Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Implementation in South Sudan Localisation from a Decolonial Perspective The emergence of the HDP in South Sudan as a topdown statecentred approach Progress on localisation but still power imbalances between international and local NGOs 8 A need for more local led initiatives HDP IMPLEMENTATION IN SOUTH SUDAN LOCALISATION FROM A DECOLONIAL PERSPECTIVE BIRGIT KEMMERLING CONTENTS Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Dil...
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  • [PDF Document] Spotlight_on_HDP_in_South Sudan.pdf   (2.21 MB)

    report Birgit Kemmerling Spotlight on Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus Implementation in South Sudan Localisation from a Decolonial Perspective The emergence of the HDP in South Sudan as a topdown statecentred approach Progress on localisation but still power imbalances between international and local NGOs 8 A need for more local led initiatives HDP IMPLEMENTATION IN SOUTH SUDAN LOCALISATION FROM A DECOLONIAL PERSPECTIVE BIRGIT KEMMERLING CONTENTS Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Dil...
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  • [Project] Support for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) in South Sudan (capacity-building component)

    • South Sudan, the world’s youngest state, is facing enormous challenges following its official foundation on 9 July 2011. The military and security sector currently accounts for more than half of the state’s expenditure, leaving little money for development projects. The South Sudanese government has recognized this problem and has declared the long-term reduction of the defense budget one of its major development goals. The program for the disarmament, demobilization an...
    • Support for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) in South Sudan (capacity-building component)
  • [Project] Support for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) in South Sudan (capacity-building component)

    • South Sudan, the world’s youngest state, is facing enormous challenges following its official foundation on 9 July 2011. The military and security sector currently accounts for more than half of the state’s expenditure, leaving little money for development projects. The South Sudanese government has recognized this problem and has declared the long-term reduction of the defense budget one of its major development goals. The program for the disarmament, demobilization an...
    • Support for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) in South Sudan (capacity-building component)
  • [Project] Support for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) in South Sudan (capacity-building component)

    • South Sudan, the world’s youngest state, is facing enormous challenges following its official foundation on 9 July 2011. The military and security sector currently accounts for more than half of the state’s expenditure, leaving little money for development projects. The South Sudanese government has recognized this problem and has declared the long-term reduction of the defense budget one of its major development goals. The program for the disarmament, demobilization an...
    • Support for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) in South Sudan (capacity-building component)
  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_48.pdf   (4.08 MB)

    brief 48 Oil Investment and Conflict in Upper Nile State South Sudan Contents Acronyms and abbreviations 4 Abstract 5 Acknowledgments 6 Introduction 7 1 Methodology 2 Oil and conflict in South Sudan 16 Oil and conflict in South Sudan Past present and future 17 The process of oil exportation until the shutdown 25 Conflict escalation after independence of South Sudan 26 3 Securing a livelihood in the oil field 29 Introducing Melut and Maban Counties 30 Livelihood options and d...
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  • [PDF Document] BICC_brief_48.pdf   (4.08 MB)

    brief 48 Oil Investment and Conflict in Upper Nile State South Sudan Contents Acronyms and abbreviations 4 Abstract 5 Acknowledgments 6 Introduction 7 1 Methodology 2 Oil and conflict in South Sudan 16 Oil and conflict in South Sudan Past present and future 17 The process of oil exportation until the shutdown 25 Conflict escalation after independence of South Sudan 26 3 Securing a livelihood in the oil field 29 Introducing Melut and Maban Counties 30 Livelihood options and d...
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  • [Project] Capacity-building on SALW control and DD&R in Southern Sudan

    • From August 2007 to March 2008, BICC implemented a capacity-building project on small arms control and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DD&R) in Southern Sudan. Working with local partners, members of civil society and the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS), BICC delivered four workshops on various aspects of small arms and light weapons (SALW) control and another four training courses on DD&R. In addition, BICC worked with local media and outreac...
    • Capacity-building on SALW control and DD&R in Southern Sudan
  • [Project] Capacity-building on SALW control and DD&R in Southern Sudan

    • From August 2007 to March 2008, BICC implemented a capacity-building project on small arms control and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DD&R) in Southern Sudan. Working with local partners, members of civil society and the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS), BICC delivered four workshops on various aspects of small arms and light weapons (SALW) control and another four training courses on DD&R. In addition, BICC worked with local media and outreac...
    • Capacity-building on SALW control and DD&R in Southern Sudan