Conflict-sensitive Employment under Construction: Peace and Stability Strategies for the Private Sector in Afghanistan




  • Violent Environments and Infrastructures

This cooperative research project between The Liaison Office TLO in Kabul, Afghanistan and International Alert in Islamabad, Pakistan and London is sponsored by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO / WOTRO Science for Global Development, Section „Security & Rule of Law in Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings“ SRoL. BICC is the German partner in this three-years project, which has started on 10 February 2015.
The project aims to generate findings about how to embed conflict-sensitive employment (CSE) in an investment strategy in the construction, infrastructure and transport (CIT) sectors and to develop a CSE policy framework to guide future development and investment in Afghanistan and beyond. The research focus is on drivers and challenges determining employment strategies of the private sector in fragile and conflict-affected settings.
The research project includes a one-year test phase with CIT companies and investors active in Afghanistan, which will be accompanied by research and evaluated.
Three graduated researchers from Afghanistan will receive stipends for field research in this project as a basis for their Master theses.
Three workshops will involve local and regional CIT companies and investors as well as stakeholders such as international donors and development agencies (World Bank, ADB, etc.), government institutions, private investors and others who define development and investment policy in the CIT-sector. Lobby groups (e.g. trade unions, chamber of commerce), security actors (e.g. police, militias, gangs), local communities, vulnerable groups, patronage networks will be considered.
Results will be widely disseminated. A series of short practice-oriented policy papers will be published (also online) and shared at launch events with key stakeholders in Afghanistan. On the basis of the test phase, two peer-reviewed journal articles will be compiled, one for an economic journal, one for a journal of Peace & Conflict Studies.
Three Master theses will be completed. Findings will be published in working papers.
Project Blog

Project Leader

  • PD Dr Elke Grawert

Project Team



Duration of project

Since 2015


Other publications

Nusrat, R.

Strengthening the capacity of business to contribute to building peace in Afghanistan (International Alert Policy Brief May 2018).

International Alert , London (2018)

bicc Policy brief

Grawert, E.

Towards conflict-sensitive employment in large-scale infrastructure projects in fragile and conflict-affected settings: Recommendations for donor agencies

BICC , Bonn (2018)

Other publications

Grawert, E., & Isikozlu, E., & Murtaza Haqeeqat, M., & Shirzad, F.

Conflict-sensitive employment framework (CSEF) for construction and transport companies.

BICC , Bonn (2017)

bicc Working paper

Grawert, E., & Shirzad, F.

Conflict-sensitive employment in Afghan construction and transport companies

BICC , Bonn (2017)

bicc Working paper

Grawert, E., & Nusrat, R., & Shah, Z.

Afghanistan’s cross-border trade with Pakistan and Iran and the responsibility for conflict-sensitive employment

BICC , Bonn (2017)

bicc Working paper

Grawert, E., & Hansohm, D., & Nusrat, R.

Is conflict sensitivity applicable to employment?

BICC , Bonn (2017)
