
205 search results of „eritrea“

  • [PDF Document] brief26.pdf   (928.86 KB)

    brief 26 Becoming an Exmilitary Man Demobilization and Reintegration of Military Professionals in Eastern Europe brief 26 Contents The author Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Andreas HeinemannGrüder Senior Researcher Bonn International Center for Conversion Germany Acknowledgments 5 Introduction 6 Identity Patterns of Former Military Professionals 10 Research questions Behavioral patterns general findings Identity patterns among former Ukrainian officers Identity patterns among form...
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  • [PDF Document] brief27.pdf   (469.16 KB)

    brief 27 Turning Soldiers into a Work Force Demobilization and Reintegration in PostDayton Bosnia and Herzegovina brief 27 Contents The authors Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Andreas HeinemannGrüder Senior researcher Bonn International Center for Conversion Germany Summary 5 Introduction and Goals 6 Background 8 Framework DecisionsThe Dayton Accords and Followup Agreements 11 The Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration Project EDRP 16 The Pilot Emergency Labor Redeployment ...
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  • [PDF Document] brief7.pdf   (3.06 MB)

    brief 7 The New Field of MicroDisarmament Addressing the Proliferation and Buildup of Small Arms and Light Weapons september 96 brief 7 Contents Zusammenfassung German Summary 4 Abstract 5 Background and Purpose 6 History Definition and Evolution of the Concept of MicroDisarmament 7 Typology of Light Weapons 10 Production and Methods of Accumulating Light Weapons 14 Negative Effects of Small Arms and Light Weapons 16 MicroDisarmament in Practice Situation and Scenarios 19 Pol...
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  • [PDF Document] brief11.pdf   (474.36 KB)

    brief 11 Reasonable Measures Addressing the Excessive Accumulation and Unlawful Use of Small Arms august 98 BICC 1 brief 11 Contents Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Executive summary 6 Introduction 8 Identifying the Issues 11 Trade 11 Existing circulation and surplus stocks 11 Unlawful use and civilian possession of militarystyle weapons 12 The Scope of Current Efforts 13 The United Nations context 13 Regional initiatives 15 The Wassenaar Arrangement 16 Nongovernment...
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  • [PDF Document] brief33.pdf   (813.78 KB)

    BONN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR CONVERSION INTERNATIONALES KONVERSIONSZENTRUM BONN brief 33 Water Governance in Southern Africa Cooperation and Conflict Prevention in Transboundary River Basins brief 33 Contents Introduction The global water crisisA crisis of governance 4 The context of natural resources and conflict or Why water is a special case 10 The context of weak states or Why water governance beyond the state 15 The international level Transboundary water management in Southern Afri...
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  • [PDF Document] brief36.pdf   (2.82 MB)

    brief 36 The SecurityMigration Nexus Published by BICC Bonn International Center for Conversion Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn GmbH An der Elisabethkirche 25 53113 Bonn Germany Phone 49228911 960 Fax 4922824 12 15 Email biccbiccde Internet wwwbiccde ISSN 09477322 Director Peter J Croll Editors Jerry Sommer Andrea Warnecke Copy editing Heike Webb Joe Farha Support Joe Farha Clara Fischer Zac Hall Susanne Heinke Helen Radeke Manisha Samal Ruth Vollmer Layout Katharina Moraht Photos D...
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  • [PDF Document] brief43.pdf   (4.63 MB)

    brief 43 Towards a Typology of Wartime Rape Contents List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 Executive Summary 5 Acknowledgments 5 Introduction 7 1 Methodology 9 Phase I Creating a typology 10 Phase II Refining the Typology 12 2 Review of Scholarly Literature on Rape and War 15 The prevalence of wartime rape 16 Explanations of wartime rape The meaning of wartime rape Factors that contribute to wartime rape The functions of wartime rape 17 17 18 19 Consequences of wartime rape ...
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  • [PDF Document] brief28.pdf   (985.38 KB)

    brief 28 Confronting s Afghanistan Security Dilemma Reforming the Security Sector brief 28 Contents The editor Zusammenfassung German summary 4 Acknowledgments 6 Background on the Bonn International Center for Conversion BICC and its Work on Afghanistan 7 Introduction Mark Sedra 8 Old Questions Needing New Answers A Fresh Look at Security Needs in Afghanistan Paul OBrien and Paul Barker 17 Military Reform in Afghanistan Antonio Giustozzi 23 Police Reform in Afghanistan An Overvie...
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  • [PDF Document] small_arms_report.pdf   (892.02 KB)

    REPORT Small arms and security A joint publication by Bonn International Center for Conversion British American Security Information Council Saferworld and Small Arms Survey Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok January 2004 Disposal of surplus small arms A survey of policies and practices in OSCE countries Ten case studies edited and compiled by Sami Faltas and Vera Chrobok A...
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  • [PDF Document] Youth_and_SALW_TRAINER.pdf   (1.75 MB)

    Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW UNICEF module YSA 06A02 My dear young people I see the light in your eyes the energy of your bodies and the hope that is in your spirit I know it is you not I who will make the future It is you not I who will fix our wrongs and carry forward all that is right in the world Nelson Mandela former President of South Africa Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons SALW written by Irma Specht Transition International and the TRESA team module YSA 06A02...
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